Ägeribad, Oberägeri

Prompted by the question of an indoor swimming pool for swimming lessons in the Aegeri valley, a family and adventure pool was created that also covers the needs of water sports. A pool for schools, swimming enthusiasts, clubs, families, people of all ages and wellness enthusiasts has been created.

In addition to a 25m pool with 8 lanes, the facility also has a multifunctional pool with a lifting floor and a paddling pool. Furthermore, a heated outdoor pool with massage beds and a large tube slide was realized.

The wellness area with various saunas as well as relaxation and massage rooms, was designed as an independent unit.


Ägeribad AG
CH-6515 Oberägeri


Scheitlin Syfrig Architekten
CH-6004 Luzern


Realisation 2016-2018

Nature of the building project

New building

Type of building

Swimming pool

Our services

  • Technical planning for heating, ventilation, sanitary, pool water systems, building automation and stainless steel basin
  • Construction management for heating, ventilation, sanitary, pool water systems, building automation and stainless steel basin
  • Coordination of the house technique facilities





Pool water systems

Building automation

Stainless steel basin